she wore an...
10: the size I'd like to be, as all my clothes are this size and they are very uncomfortable to wear right now.
12-14: the size I am, courtesy of year one of marriage
150: the goal weight (for the moment)
23: the number of pounds I have to lose to get there (do your own math)
28 days, 30 minutes of cardio and three sets of 10 to 12, with 5-10 lbs weights...it's enough to drive a girl insane.
Oh, and Kels, if you're reading this, how do I post more than 5 pics at a time? I'd like to blog about the vacation.
she wore an...
10: the size I'd like to be, as all my clothes are this size and they are very uncomfortable to wear right now.
12-14: the size I am, courtesy of year one of marriage
150: the goal weight (for the moment)
23: the number of pounds I have to lose to get there (do your own math)
28 days, 30 minutes of cardio and three sets of 10 to 12, with 5-10 lbs weights...it's enough to drive a girl insane.
Oh, and Kels, if you're reading this, how do I post more than 5 pics at a time? I'd like to blog about the vacation.
- Kelsey Visel said...
Try to post one picture at a time. Click on add picture button, wait for it to upload, press "done" then click the picture button again to add another. If you try to upload five picture files all at once it usually takes too long (I've never posted more than one at a time).
Now about your latest blog... The best thing I've done for myself is to stop weighing myself and find a type of workout that I don't despise. I hate running, pilates was way too boring, and power yoga was just too intense!
BUT I found that I loved walking outside (even if it was at a slow pace), lifting light weights, and sometimes just putting on Timbaland and dancing around:-) I got into the best shape when I finally took off that pressure of needing to always have a super workout. Try doing this and see if it helps!
Realize that you already look awesome (trust me, you're a pretty girl) and workout to FEEL good, not to look good.
Sorry this is so long...I have had quite the journey in the area of exercise and food:-) Best of luck to you! -
3:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Heya Bren - I'm with Kels. I don't know if you like reading or not, but the two best books I've ever read on food and mind are "Intuitive Eating" and "When You Eat At the Refridgerator, Pull Up a Chair." They both bring a lot of love and self-gentleness into everything and take away the crazies.
9:26 AM
Try to post one picture at a time. Click on add picture button, wait for it to upload, press "done" then click the picture button again to add another. If you try to upload five picture files all at once it usually takes too long (I've never posted more than one at a time).
Now about your latest blog... The best thing I've done for myself is to stop weighing myself and find a type of workout that I don't despise. I hate running, pilates was way too boring, and power yoga was just too intense!
BUT I found that I loved walking outside (even if it was at a slow pace), lifting light weights, and sometimes just putting on Timbaland and dancing around:-) I got into the best shape when I finally took off that pressure of needing to always have a super workout. Try doing this and see if it helps!
Realize that you already look awesome (trust me, you're a pretty girl) and workout to FEEL good, not to look good.
Sorry this is so long...I have had quite the journey in the area of exercise and food:-) Best of luck to you!
Heya Bren - I'm with Kels. I don't know if you like reading or not, but the two best books I've ever read on food and mind are "Intuitive Eating" and "When You Eat At the Refridgerator, Pull Up a Chair." They both bring a lot of love and self-gentleness into everything and take away the crazies.
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